So... I would like to apologize for having not been updating this thing. I do realize that it has been quite a few months since I've posted. And I'm sorry. Very sorry.
An update on how the weight loss thing has been going. It's going well but over the last few months I've kinda been a little lax on following through on strictness of my diet. I haven't gained a ton back. I should be getting back on the pony and riding but it's hard for me to want to do it again. I'm a tired man and I love food. I'm not eating like I used to but I'm just not dieting like earlier in the year. I still feel more confident and really that was the main purpose of the diet in the first place.
I have been in a motorcycle accident. Not a scary big one but a baby annoying one. it went down like this. No pun intended. I was riding on my merry little way to my grandparents house minding my own business when appeared a very big, very fast and very angry dog. He started to chase me down. I was going the speed limit at 25 mph and the terd was gaining on me. I quickly made a plan to take the corner fast, down shift to like second gear to get the rpm's up and then make my speedy getaway safely arriving at my grammy's. The patch of gravel had other plans. I didn't see it and the rear tire slid out and I hit the ground. Hard. It hurt. I immediately got up and started to make my way to that ingrate dog. I wanted him dead. I was 5 weeks into my work out program and looked very intimidating and I think that my appearance in culmination with my anger and helmet caused me to really look like I would rip the demon's jaw off. I would have given the opportunity but, the wussy turned tail and ran off. I began to feel the pain of my accident and lifted the bike off the ground and rode to my grammy's. My grammy lives in a very quiet neighborhood and everyone knows everyone so by the time I hobbled into the house my grammy was on the phone halfway through a conversation with one of the relief society members who apparently saw the whole thing. Now, not only was my body hurt, but my ego as well. I leaned over the kitchen sink, why the sink, I don't know but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I dropped the helmet on the ground and began to groan. I investigated myself to see what injuries I had sustained and found the palm of my left hand was missing a portion of it's flesh. The back of my right hand had a small piece missing. Right below my wrist on my right arm there was a chunk gone. Right below that there was a 6 inch by 3 inch wide area of road rash. Finally, my left knee looked like hamburger. I was in pain to say the least. I called my place of employment and told them that I'd be in a little later than anticipated. My grammy used her ninja like first aid abilities (I don't know why I said ninja like but just roll with it) and I was on my way back to work. Due to my perseverance and desire to return to work after my tumble, my boss decided it would be a good idea to give me a raise to compensate me for my dedication. I'm grateful.
Now to the good stuff.
August 24th. The beginning of the death of my solitude. It began like any other Monday. Minus one or two things. I had in my plans after work to jam out with a long time crush. We will call her angel voice for the sake of anonymity. Angel voice is a very beautiful girl who has a voice that could melt butter. I had a crush on her since the later portion of the year 2000 when I first met her. After work I brought my guitar over to her house and we began to sing, play and flirt with each other. I was pleased with the fruits of our labor to say the least. 6:45 rolled around and she asked if I was planning on going to fhe. I wasn't until she said that she was going to go. She followed me in her car over to the designated location and we arrived safely. The activity was a breakfast style bbq. It was an interesting concept and I liked it. I was asked to lend my pancake making skills to the cause. When I finished I sat next to angel voice and began chatting with her friends and such. I looked across the table from me and I saw a young lady not really talking to anyone. In my head I thought "You're attractive. You can talk to me." Our conversation started and in my dorky joke making demeanor that I have I said, "We should hook up." We chatted for quite a while longer and I realized I had completely forgot about angel voice. She had already left when it hit me. She was why I went but, was not the reason I stayed. Despite the long time crushness I have to say that I didn't care that she left. I was in the depths of a good conversation with someone that intrigued me more.
Her name is Brittany Asay.
After the activity some people were going over to some guy I've never heard of's place to play games and such. Those that were attending aren't exactly what I would call "my people." They're weird. they're the type of people I usually try to avoid. None the less I decided to go because Brittany was going and I didn't want the conversation to stop. We didn't pay attention to the game or the other people that were there. We were completely engrossed in each other. I don't even remember what game we were playing. We left before it was over, I think, and I wanted to hang out more. So did she. I asked if she wanted to go for a drive so I could show her more of Ogden. She's not from here and she's a very pretty girl so, I thought I'd offer. I took her to North Ogden to a church where you can get a kick awesome view of the Ogden valley. We talked some more. A lot more. I brought my Ipod and I don't know why, but I started to sing some of the songs I was playing. Subliminally I think it was an effort to make her swoon from the soothing sounds of my voice. It worked. We went back to her apartment/condo and I walked her to the door. I offered a hug and received it. I then did something I don't normally do. In a chick flick like manner I said, "I really enjoy the pleasure of you company and I would really like to take you out some time. Is that OK?" I was nervous the entire time. She said that she would love to and we exchanged phone numbers. She texted me the next day. I was as giddy as a school girl. We decided to get very late night pie at village inn. Much to our chagrin they were closed so we had to go to Denny's and had not pie but fried things and milk shakes. We talked. A lot. We lost track of time and It seriously felt like every 2 minutes the waitress was reminding us that we could pay at the register when we were ready to go. We were thinking come on we haven't been here that long. Wrong. we got there at 11:00 and it was now 2:00. In the morning. On a Tuesday. We sheepishly left and we went our separate ways. We hung out again the next night.
I can't remember the exact order of the next couple of dates and things but I went to Texas that Thursday and was gone till Sunday. We at the very least texted each other everyday. I came home and did something with her instead of hanging out with my usual crowd. We went on a date where we almost burned down her kitchen. It was an epic first official date and I decided that I wanted this to last for a very long time.
Sept. 3rd was our first kiss and it was truly the best kiss ever. The next day she went to San Diego. She Left at 12-ish and we were texting as usual and she decided that she missed me enought to the point of an inability to sleep. We texted a little more and the conversation went as follows.
B- "I wish you were here."
S- "I wish I was there too." (It's San Diego, who wouldn't?)
B- "You could be."
S- "No I can't. I don't have the money."
B- "I do."
I deliberated with myself for a few minutes. I had to work the next day, I couldn't go in the morning. But it's San Diego. This is too new of a relationship to be flying off to San Diego. But you do feel really good with her and it's freaking San Diego.
S- "What information do you need?"
The next day I flew out there, called the hotel and was soon on a shuttle to meet up with her. We embraced in the parking lot and it's been all up hill from there. We went to sea world the next day and had a blast. That night we went to mission beach and had a romantic walk whilst chatting and enjoying the radiance of one another's company. I knew right there that it was love.
We returned to Utah the next day and have been together everyday since. I love this girl with all my heart and it's reciprocal. We have loved every minute of each other's company and plan on making it last for eternity. I love this woman and want her to be my wife and the mother of my children.
Well before I get too emotional I'm going to get back to work. I hope that you enjoy the read.
Papa Bear
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Holy crap!!
I'm so sorry for not posting in a long time. I really have had other things blocking my time schedule and I haven't thought to post anything.

This year so far has been CRAZY!! I've changed a lot and have no desire to go back to what I was before. This year I actually decided to make a new year's resolution to lose 30 lbs. I didn't start to do anything, like I always tend to do and then I saw myself in a full length mirror and said man you really need to get on this thing. I asked my uncle Marc for advice. He's a fitness nut and is in
crazy good shape so I figured of all people to point me in the right direction that it'd be him. Boy was I right. He told me to eliminate some things from my daily and possibly overall consumption. I soon called this my "NO list". Here's what it consists of: (ahem)
No candy
No sugary drinks of any kind
No white bread
No white rice
No ice cream
No fast food
No bleached flour products
I was fearful and tremble for all of the things that he so no to were 90% of what I was eating. None the less I cowboyed up and got on the bucking bronco that would be the hardest path I'd ever have to trek. The first day was was a literal hell. I went to my grandma's house determined to eat something healthy. When I arrived I spied something on the counter. Much to my chagrin there lay a perfectly and freshly frosted homemade chocolate cake with a not that said "Enjoy :)". I died a little inside but I shocked myself, I didn't eat it and I just looked at it and cried.
I then went to a ward activity where we would be doing a video scavenger hunt, one of the tasks
was for a guy to eat a .99 cent hamburger from Wendy's in 10 or more bites. As the aroma filled

the confines of my Nissan Xterra, I ebbed out copious amounts saliva. I resisted. I conquered and did not partake of the forbidden fruit of the tree of "goo body". Over the next few weeks I started to lose weight. Little by little my clothes started to feel baggier and baggier. I would weigh myself at my grandma's and check out my process. I Started this diet weighing 231 lbs.(first picture) and have made it down to 195 lbs (second picture). I have lost 36 lbs and keep losing weight. This dramatic change has bettered my existence made me realize how truly awesome I can look. I have no desire to stop.

This change isn't just a temporary solution it has become a true part f my life and will hopefully carry through the years to come.
Well I'm going to sign off before I start to cry. Peace out everyone and have a pleasant, whatever part of the day this is for you.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday learnings.
Once upon a Saturday there was a chubby 25 year old man who was distraught due to the unwarranted awakening at 4:00 am. The source of his unnaturally early arousal is still unknown. however, his determination to return to his divine slumber still burnt with an ardor the likes of which few have witnessed or experienced. All his efforts were in vain. Poor Jessica Alba would have to wait fore him in dream land. Sigh.
The previous night's activities were calming and peaceful, not to mention fulfilling. In the singles/student ward, which he attends, there were various service opportunities that had been presenting themselves. Those from Friday night were setting up tables and chairs for the ward they were assisting for their Christmas festivities. The following morning there would be a breakfast smorgasbord, which due to his work schedule he would be unable to attend. Thwarted by the inability to be present for the Saturday morning, he held a desire in his kung-fu grip to serve in one way or another the following day. He decided that this was the reason for his nocturnal distress.
His discovery was that a long day is made longer by sleep deprivation.
He worked through the hours of the morning and in to early afternoon, the service opportunities seemingly insincere for he was on the clock. Getting paid for what services you provide seems unjust. 3:00 p.m. arrived without warning and his desire seemed like it slipping away faster than a Mclaren F-1. He called his roommate and asked, "Hey dude. Are you at work?" the reply was affirmative so he made his way to his roomies place of employment. While on the way much to his delight an attractive young lady was driving her car with a flat tire. He informed her with a strongly placed whistle and followed her into the parking lot of the local shopko. Luckily enough for her, her mother was in the car directly in front of her, however he would have felt unsatisfied had he left them there to fend for themselves. He stayed and insisted through some persuasive language and happy-go-lucky demeanor was allowed to aid them in the tire change. They expressed their gratitude and the young man was satisfied with remaining the random stranger that saved the day for that lovely young lady.
His lesson learned in this instance was that if the true desire to serve is present, the opportunity will present itself. You have no more to do than look for it.
The rest of the day seemed as though it would be as uneventful as any other Saturday. After his room mate had left work, our hero went to his grandparent's home. He rested a while on the familiar comfort of the blue sofa which had been there since his childhood. A sudden desire to "do" something entered his heart. After many laborious phone calls his childhood friend answered with tales of Halo 3 and other such wonders. He ventured out, hungry and thirsty, a trip to obtain a chicken sandwich seemed in order. Upon arrival at the abode of his friend he sat and the savory sandwich graced his mouth satiating his hunger while the sweet nectar of his carbonated beverage trickled down his throat quenching his thirst. The games soon became boring when some number of hours later another of the residents of the apartment arrived from work with information leading to activities which sounded quite entertaining. We ventured out once more this time to Rooster's, a local brewery with pizza and other college aged delicacies. Upon arrival at the resaurant a familiar voice filled the air with cries of his name on her lips. locking in on the origin of the voice he sat and conversed. She offered him humus. "Delightful!" he exclaimed.
His lesson he learned now was, Humus + his mouth = delicious!
The conversation continued much to his delight for it had been some number of nights since their last encounter. She was with a friend with whom he had not been previously acquaintedand decided to sieze the opportunity to throw the preverbial "mack down". Much to his chagrin he found that her buddy was sipping down a cool alcoholic beverage. Foiled, he decided to be a nice guy and cordially continued the conversation without the intention of "hooking up". He soon found that she had questions concerning the beliefs of his faith. Unaware of her intentions, whether they be filled with desire for divine progression ar filled malice and intent to deride, he offered his phone number with the desire to resolve any and all doubts she may have concerning the religion.
His final lesson that evening was that missionary opporunities present themselves when you least expect it in the least likely of places. Case in point, a brewery.
He finished his night with the recounting of his experiences to his room mates and neighbor and going to bed with the full intentions of sleeping the maximum number of hours.
I hope that you enjoyed my short story about my Saturday. Have a good one guys!
The previous night's activities were calming and peaceful, not to mention fulfilling. In the singles/student ward, which he attends, there were various service opportunities that had been presenting themselves. Those from Friday night were setting up tables and chairs for the ward they were assisting for their Christmas festivities. The following morning there would be a breakfast smorgasbord, which due to his work schedule he would be unable to attend. Thwarted by the inability to be present for the Saturday morning, he held a desire in his kung-fu grip to serve in one way or another the following day. He decided that this was the reason for his nocturnal distress.
His discovery was that a long day is made longer by sleep deprivation.
He worked through the hours of the morning and in to early afternoon, the service opportunities seemingly insincere for he was on the clock. Getting paid for what services you provide seems unjust. 3:00 p.m. arrived without warning and his desire seemed like it slipping away faster than a Mclaren F-1. He called his roommate and asked, "Hey dude. Are you at work?" the reply was affirmative so he made his way to his roomies place of employment. While on the way much to his delight an attractive young lady was driving her car with a flat tire. He informed her with a strongly placed whistle and followed her into the parking lot of the local shopko. Luckily enough for her, her mother was in the car directly in front of her, however he would have felt unsatisfied had he left them there to fend for themselves. He stayed and insisted through some persuasive language and happy-go-lucky demeanor was allowed to aid them in the tire change. They expressed their gratitude and the young man was satisfied with remaining the random stranger that saved the day for that lovely young lady.
His lesson learned in this instance was that if the true desire to serve is present, the opportunity will present itself. You have no more to do than look for it.
The rest of the day seemed as though it would be as uneventful as any other Saturday. After his room mate had left work, our hero went to his grandparent's home. He rested a while on the familiar comfort of the blue sofa which had been there since his childhood. A sudden desire to "do" something entered his heart. After many laborious phone calls his childhood friend answered with tales of Halo 3 and other such wonders. He ventured out, hungry and thirsty, a trip to obtain a chicken sandwich seemed in order. Upon arrival at the abode of his friend he sat and the savory sandwich graced his mouth satiating his hunger while the sweet nectar of his carbonated beverage trickled down his throat quenching his thirst. The games soon became boring when some number of hours later another of the residents of the apartment arrived from work with information leading to activities which sounded quite entertaining. We ventured out once more this time to Rooster's, a local brewery with pizza and other college aged delicacies. Upon arrival at the resaurant a familiar voice filled the air with cries of his name on her lips. locking in on the origin of the voice he sat and conversed. She offered him humus. "Delightful!" he exclaimed.
His lesson he learned now was, Humus + his mouth = delicious!
The conversation continued much to his delight for it had been some number of nights since their last encounter. She was with a friend with whom he had not been previously acquaintedand decided to sieze the opportunity to throw the preverbial "mack down". Much to his chagrin he found that her buddy was sipping down a cool alcoholic beverage. Foiled, he decided to be a nice guy and cordially continued the conversation without the intention of "hooking up". He soon found that she had questions concerning the beliefs of his faith. Unaware of her intentions, whether they be filled with desire for divine progression ar filled malice and intent to deride, he offered his phone number with the desire to resolve any and all doubts she may have concerning the religion.
His final lesson that evening was that missionary opporunities present themselves when you least expect it in the least likely of places. Case in point, a brewery.
He finished his night with the recounting of his experiences to his room mates and neighbor and going to bed with the full intentions of sleeping the maximum number of hours.
I hope that you enjoyed my short story about my Saturday. Have a good one guys!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Marvel at my strength!!!
Due to my lack of knowledge of how to post these here video thingies I have resorted to the simplicity of hyperlink go here and watch my movie. For you math majors,
My movie + you watching it = awesome pants! Enjoy!!
Due to my lack of knowledge of how to post these here video thingies I have resorted to the simplicity of hyperlink go here and watch my movie. For you math majors,
My movie + you watching it = awesome pants! Enjoy!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sorry guys.
Hey guys! Long time no see right? I'm sorry I'm a horrible person for not having blogged in an excruciatingly long time. You have my deepest apologies and I really hope to one day redeem myself.
The reason for my absence has been for 2 reasons. 1- I felt like I was becoming a more negative person by posting my critical commentaries concerning other people and 2- my (so called) life is more boring than a box of crispix. That being said I've decided to tell you all what's been going on during my self inflicted leave of absence.
Well I'm still living in the same apartment with the same 2 guys one is known to the blogger world as sephian and the other is actually quite oblivious to this blogosphere, we shall name him.....hmmm...........soxfan, this name for his undying love for the Boston red sox. By undying I mean nigh on suicide-inducingly annoying, but that's for another day.
Recently I became a part of an exclusive group of men who smell dangerously good. It is by the help of an amazing fragrance produced by abercrombie and fitch. "What is this cologne?" you may be asking. Fear not for the answer is on the way. FIERCE. Gee golly jeepers it's probably the most desirable scent I have dawned myself with. Seriously, if I were a girl I would want to make out with me till the cows come home, find that their abode could no longer accommodate the 3 recently acquired children and decide to buy a new house in broiter grove. I hope you get the idea of that that is a ridiculously long time.
I've also found out a few cool thing about my family of which I previously had no knowledge. My grandfather once was a guard for Vice-president Nixon. Pretty cool, huh? He got an autographed picture in his office and everything. I also recently came into possession of a 115 year old banjo! It belonged to my great-great-grandfather and through my good luck I was chosen to inherit it. I'm fascinated by it's grandeur and esthetically pleasing features including the worn fret board the repaired skin and date at the bottom of the string harness of Mar. 6, 1894. I've got to be honest, few things have been as neat as the acquisition of said instrument.
Side note: I'm at work and just got a wrong number call from a southern woman by the name of Angela Kabong. She's recently retired and was looking for keiser retirement and didn't listen to me say "Ogden auto this is Steve."
That's how boring I've been and the reason for my silence. I hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me and also to understand the reason for my inexpressive behavior. May your lives be more exciting than mine and your bellies be full. I know I don't want mine empty. Peace.
The reason for my absence has been for 2 reasons. 1- I felt like I was becoming a more negative person by posting my critical commentaries concerning other people and 2- my (so called) life is more boring than a box of crispix. That being said I've decided to tell you all what's been going on during my self inflicted leave of absence.
Well I'm still living in the same apartment with the same 2 guys one is known to the blogger world as sephian and the other is actually quite oblivious to this blogosphere, we shall name him.....hmmm...........soxfan, this name for his undying love for the Boston red sox. By undying I mean nigh on suicide-inducingly annoying, but that's for another day.
Recently I became a part of an exclusive group of men who smell dangerously good. It is by the help of an amazing fragrance produced by abercrombie and fitch. "What is this cologne?" you may be asking. Fear not for the answer is on the way. FIERCE. Gee golly jeepers it's probably the most desirable scent I have dawned myself with. Seriously, if I were a girl I would want to make out with me till the cows come home, find that their abode could no longer accommodate the 3 recently acquired children and decide to buy a new house in broiter grove. I hope you get the idea of that that is a ridiculously long time.
I've also found out a few cool thing about my family of which I previously had no knowledge. My grandfather once was a guard for Vice-president Nixon. Pretty cool, huh? He got an autographed picture in his office and everything. I also recently came into possession of a 115 year old banjo! It belonged to my great-great-grandfather and through my good luck I was chosen to inherit it. I'm fascinated by it's grandeur and esthetically pleasing features including the worn fret board the repaired skin and date at the bottom of the string harness of Mar. 6, 1894. I've got to be honest, few things have been as neat as the acquisition of said instrument.
Side note: I'm at work and just got a wrong number call from a southern woman by the name of Angela Kabong. She's recently retired and was looking for keiser retirement and didn't listen to me say "Ogden auto this is Steve."
That's how boring I've been and the reason for my silence. I hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me and also to understand the reason for my inexpressive behavior. May your lives be more exciting than mine and your bellies be full. I know I don't want mine empty. Peace.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The Dark Knight and the link to sleep deprivation.
Thursday night I was giddy as a school girl in anticipation for the second installment of the new Batman movies "The Dark Knight". I was planning on going home after work and taking a nap as to not fall asleep during the movie, but much to my surprise that plan was thwarted by my cursed conscience and a desire to make my friends happy. My dear friend who will be called "Accountant Woman" needed my help. Her father was putting up a retaining wall in his back yard and they required my brawn. I curse the day I discovered that I could lift heavy objects repeatedly with minimal strain. I agreed with without debate and prepared myself to change my plans.
The hour arrived and for the next 3 hours I lifted brick after brick each weighing approx. 40 lbs. after those 3 hours my back was pretty tired and I was ready for a nap, but to no avail I Had to go home, shower and then arrive at the home of my friend who will be called Gordon (in the Spanish not English). we arrived at the Gordones and immediately started the hang out process quietly of course as to not wake the child. Finally the hour of the Dark Knight arrived. it was an emotional roller coaster the like of which I haven't experienced in a fort night at least. I really don't know how much time that is so let's say while instead. Heath Ledger revealed the true creepiness and extreme level disturbed psychosis that the Joker really was suffering or enjoying as he made it appear. I feel that if he were alive this is the performance that would've launched his career into a new level of the stratosphere. Amazing to say the least.
The movie over we departed to our respective homes. I couldn't get to sleep for like an hour which calculates to like 4 o'clock in the freaking morning. I woke up pissed off because I slept in an extra hour and was late for work still exhausted both physically and emotionally from the prior day's activities. Work was a blur I remember nothing from it. I went home with the intentions fro a 20 minute nap that soon turned into a 6 hour sleeping smorgasbord that resulted in another sleepless night. I hope I can get to sleep tonight.
The moral of the story is when you're an adult and have a job that starts early in the morning don't go to the midnight showing.
The hour arrived and for the next 3 hours I lifted brick after brick each weighing approx. 40 lbs. after those 3 hours my back was pretty tired and I was ready for a nap, but to no avail I Had to go home, shower and then arrive at the home of my friend who will be called Gordon (in the Spanish not English). we arrived at the Gordones and immediately started the hang out process quietly of course as to not wake the child. Finally the hour of the Dark Knight arrived. it was an emotional roller coaster the like of which I haven't experienced in a fort night at least. I really don't know how much time that is so let's say while instead. Heath Ledger revealed the true creepiness and extreme level disturbed psychosis that the Joker really was suffering or enjoying as he made it appear. I feel that if he were alive this is the performance that would've launched his career into a new level of the stratosphere. Amazing to say the least.
The movie over we departed to our respective homes. I couldn't get to sleep for like an hour which calculates to like 4 o'clock in the freaking morning. I woke up pissed off because I slept in an extra hour and was late for work still exhausted both physically and emotionally from the prior day's activities. Work was a blur I remember nothing from it. I went home with the intentions fro a 20 minute nap that soon turned into a 6 hour sleeping smorgasbord that resulted in another sleepless night. I hope I can get to sleep tonight.
The moral of the story is when you're an adult and have a job that starts early in the morning don't go to the midnight showing.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Song of the week.
Just as stated above, I have decided to let you all know what song is making happy this week, and after much deliberation and listening of music the winner has been decided. Ladies and gentlemen this weeks song is.....................Pork and Beans by Weezer. Mostly because of the music video. I hope to hear your feedback and commentary.
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