Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight and the link to sleep deprivation.

Thursday night I was giddy as a school girl in anticipation for the second installment of the new Batman movies "The Dark Knight". I was planning on going home after work and taking a nap as to not fall asleep during the movie, but much to my surprise that plan was thwarted by my cursed conscience and a desire to make my friends happy. My dear friend who will be called "Accountant Woman" needed my help. Her father was putting up a retaining wall in his back yard and they required my brawn. I curse the day I discovered that I could lift heavy objects repeatedly with minimal strain. I agreed with without debate and prepared myself to change my plans.

The hour arrived and for the next 3 hours I lifted brick after brick each weighing approx. 40 lbs. after those 3 hours my back was pretty tired and I was ready for a nap, but to no avail I Had to go home, shower and then arrive at the home of my friend who will be called Gordon (in the Spanish not English). we arrived at the Gordones and immediately started the hang out process quietly of course as to not wake the child. Finally the hour of the Dark Knight arrived. it was an emotional roller coaster the like of which I haven't experienced in a fort night at least. I really don't know how much time that is so let's say while instead. Heath Ledger revealed the true creepiness and extreme level disturbed psychosis that the Joker really was suffering or enjoying as he made it appear. I feel that if he were alive this is the performance that would've launched his career into a new level of the stratosphere. Amazing to say the least.

The movie over we departed to our respective homes. I couldn't get to sleep for like an hour which calculates to like 4 o'clock in the freaking morning. I woke up pissed off because I slept in an extra hour and was late for work still exhausted both physically and emotionally from the prior day's activities. Work was a blur I remember nothing from it. I went home with the intentions fro a 20 minute nap that soon turned into a 6 hour sleeping smorgasbord that resulted in another sleepless night. I hope I can get to sleep tonight.

The moral of the story is when you're an adult and have a job that starts early in the morning don't go to the midnight showing.


Fedaykin said...

I coulda told you that. Wait 12 hours and see it when you're bright and bushy. Whatever that means.

Sephian said...

It's twenty days, if memory serves.

As for the moral of the story, it's one I wish I could obey, but sadly cannot.

Also, don't worry too much about your nocturnal dilemmas, as tonight you can eat your troubles away at Rodizio Grille!!!!!

Fedaykin, you should come with...

Sephian said...

sephian wants more blog.......

sephian still wants more blog.....

more blog...

more blog...

more blog...

......*sniff sniff weep weep

Anonymous said...

I love your writing, Steve. A lot. "I curse the day I discovered that I could lift heavy objects repeatedly with minimal strain." You're a genius. That is all.